On Friday, September 13, 2019, the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons voted unanimously to recommend clemency to Zeke Goldblum. Here’s coverage of this historic development from the Jewish Chronicle.
The photo captures Zeke’s supporters before the board. The letters below have been sent to Governor Wolf.

The Honorable Tom Wolf
Governor of Pennsylvania
Office of the Governor
508 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, Pa. 17120
Dear Governor Wolf:
We, as long-time supporters of Charles “Zeke” Goldblum, (more than two dozen in all who traveled from Pittsburgh, Maryland, New York, and Israel) stood together on September 13, 2019 as the Board of Pardons unanimously recommended commutation of the life sentence of Zeke.
It was clearly evident by the Board’s unanimous decision that they had thoroughly performed their duty in researching the entire case, interviewing Zeke, looking at Zeke’s long-time involvement in community service and education, speaking with prison officials, reading the large number of support letters, and listening to friends and family members speaking at the Hearing on Zeke’s behalf. We are extremely grateful that this Board was able to see that Zeke deserves the merciful act of commutation.
We respectfully request that you please follow the Board of
Pardon’s unanimous recommendation and approve commutation of the life sentence of Charles Goldblum.
We thank you and are forever grateful.